Exclusive Audiophile Course now available from The Hi-Fi Hospital for a limited period. The ideal gift for a true music lover or audio connoisseur. This one day course is available no where else in the World. Designed to appeal to both the novice and more experienced audiophile. The course has been structured to provide practical advice and practical experience in the field of audio expertise.
Course Content Includes :
- Turntable position tips and hints
- Correct tone arm setup
- Correct cartridge alignment
- Sub chassis setup
- Impedance matching
- Hum reduction
Amplification – Type, power configuration and setup tips.
- Multi-channel configuration setup and Loudspeakers selection.
- Audio codecs
- Video codecs and standards
- HDMI, spdif, toslink interconnects
- Loudspeaker placement
- Loudspeaker to room matching
- Loudspeaker position tips and hints
- Phase and phase alignment
- Amplifier matching, current requirements, damping factor, power requirements
Audio Cable
- Loudspeaker cable types, selection, matching and distances
- Interconnect selection and correct usage
- Power conditioning, cable selection
Price €120.00
Includes certification, refreshments and more.