The Hi-Fi Hospital
Ireland's Nationwide Service Centre
Repair , Service & Restoration
Domestic & Professional Equipment
Expert Repair Of Vintage Audio Equipment

Become A Referral Agent

Earn €5 Every Time You Recommend A New Customer.

They receive a 5% discount on our labour charge and you get €5. Register today and start earning.

How Does It Work ?

You register with us as a referral agent and are given a unique code. The code entitles you to a €5 payment and a new customer to a 5% discount on our labour charges every time it is used when we receive a new unit in for service.

You start to recommend us to your friends and colleagues and give them your unique code to quote when they send their hi-fi in for service.

You are sent  your €5 referral payment and your friend receives a 5% discount on their labour charge if they have the repairs carried out.

Terms & Conditions Apply

€5 Referral payment issued with each new customer recommended and only if they have a paid estimate report carried out.
5% Labour discount is only available to new customers and limited to one new unit in for service.
You must be a registered referral agent to avail of the €5 payment.